Marco’s Pizza was recognized among the top franchise brands in the United States.

President and CEO Tony Libardi
Marco’s status as one of the top pizza franchises in the U.S. has been validated again. Entrepreneur magazine just released its list of Top Brands based on analysis of data from its annual Franchise 500® ranking, on which Marco’s was ranked No. 25 in 2018.
“The ranking was determined by taking the companies that applied for this year’s Franchise 500 and analyzing factors such as social media followers, system size, number of years in business, number of years franchising, and overall reputation—and looking at how they all combine to form lasting relationships with fans,” Entrepreneur wrote.
How we stand out
Marco’s has been in business since 1978, when Italian-born Pat Giammarco decided to open a pizzeria in his American hometown of Toledo, Ohio, that did things the Italian way, putting quality first. That tradition is still reflected in our brand’s values today. Our Hello Primo℠ brand positioning, which reaffirms our dedication to producing the best delivery pizza money can buy while still providing value to our customers.
That commitment has helped us open more than 900 locations, with plans to open our 1,500th location by the end of 2020.

Marco’s Pizza has more than 900 franchises, but we still have prime territory available.
We are one of the fastest-growing restaurant franchises in the nation. Our startup costs range from $289,780 – $762,530. Qualified candidates need a net worth of at least $350,000 and a minimum liquidity of $100,000. We have many prime territories available, especially in mid-sized markets.
Learn more
Are you up for the challenge of joining one of most promising pizza franchises in the nation? Download our franchise report for in-depth details about the Marco’s Pizza franchise opportunity. You can also learn more by exploring our research pages.